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Nikki Oleksa Fitness

Through a resilient mind & strong body, I've helped hundreds of women change their lives by changing their lifestyle making small, simple changes.

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Lose Weight | Tone Up | Transform Your Body All While Creating Life Long Habits
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Nikki's Blog:
Fitness, Recipes, Lifestyle Tips


It's Time To Take Back Your Life

Physically, mentally, and emotionally

"Malnourished, obsessed with the number on the scale, juice cleanses, diet pills, hours of cardio, hopeless, full of guilt and shame, and stuck in the rat cycle of doing the same thing expecting a different result….It took me years failing to figure out what works. Today I stand before you as a hopeful, goal oriented, healthy, and driven woman who makes up motivated to help others find their best version of themselves.”

What I Offer

Image by Dan Gold


You're the architect of your life, what are you doing to build the best one?

My 'Fit 2 You' Meal and Workout plans are custom programs designed around you. Once signed up I will send you over a questionnaire for you to complete and schedule a phone call to get to know you even better.
This one on one program will allow me to help you in other areas of your life, not just health and fitness. When you start to feel better and look better, it transcends into other areas of your life- relationships, your mindset, your career, and your confidence.


Let's take your nutrition up a notch!

If you have the workout program and the mindset sorted out, then this plan is perfect for you. This custom nutrition plan will provide you with a well balanced, high protein, and nutrient dense approach to make sure you reach your full potential. 
With easy to follow weekly meal plans, a food swap table, a grocery list, recipe ideas, and tips and tricks to get your meal prep done quickly... you will have everything you need to take your physic to the next level.


A healthier and stronger you with 24/7 support from myself and the NOF community!

These group programs are hosted every couple of months and are a great way to jump start your fitness journey. If you have tried and failed before, feel overwhelmed, or just don't know what to work out or eat... these programs are for you.

You will get a gym or home based workout plan, recipe based meal plan with macro/calorie breakdown, exclusive access to the private Facebook group, and 24/7 support from me! 

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We Can Do This

Positive self-talk +

A healthy mindset +

defined goal +

A detailed plan +

Support from others


Anything is possible! 

I know it's not easy to get back up after you've failed multiple times, life has thrown you a curve ball after curve ball, and you have let yourself down, yet again.
Whether it's your diet, your workout routine, your mental health, an addiction.... there is no limit on the number of times you can start over! This next time you start over, could be the time everything just clicks.
Taking one tiny step in the right direction is better than not taking one at all. I am here to help you get back on track with positive self talk, a different mindset, a goal, a defined plan and support from others who understand... you can achieve anything. I promise you. 
If I was able to go from hopeless, full of anxiety, overwhelmed, malnourished and unhappy, to a healthy, passionate, mentally strong, and determined woman, by putting one foot in front and asking for help, YOU CAN DO IT TO.

Client Transformations

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